
SJEHG has made progress since our original trachoma work in the 1960’s, and our studies in Behçet’s disease in the 1990’s. We now run a state-of-the-art DNA laboratory, focussing on the genetics of retinal disorders, particularly retinitis pigmentosa (RP). RP affects up to one in 4000 people, and can lead to profound sight loss. We are also applying to be involved in a multi-centre phase III retinal gene therapy trial, thereby contributing to the global search for  a cure for his disease.

We are also pleased to report that in 2021 the Ophthalmic Research Advisory Committee (ORAC) was formed. Led by the Asia-Pacific branch of the Ophthalmic Association, ORAC works alongside our colleagues in SJEHG to assist in clinical research and publication.

If you would like to be involved in clinical research at SJEHG, or have any practical research proposals,  please contact ORAC on

One St John

Global expertise