The fourth St.John Ophthalmic Association USA breakfast meeting at the American Academy of Ophthalmology was held on Saturday October 1st in Chicago at the Hyatt Regency McCormick Place.
The event was attended by Ophthalmology colleagues spanning the US and Canada from Toronto, Boston, Washington, DC, Dallas, Los Angeles and San Francisco. We were honored to have Dr.Salam Iriqat from the St John Eye Hospital in Jerusalem as our guest speaker. Dr Iriqat is head of the Department of Ocular Inflammatory Disease, Medical Retina and Ocular Imaging Specialist, and Clinical Research Coordinator at the SJEH. We were honored to have the CEO of the SJEHG, Ahmad Ma’Ali, and founder of the SOA and Order Hospitaller, Mr.David Verity, join us virtually from the West Bank and London.
David Pyott OStJ, US Priory Hospitaller, Chair of the SOA-USA Chapter and Trustee of the SJEHG lead the meeting. David gave an update on the financial and economic overview of the SJEHG. Following the Chair’s report, Ahmad Ma’ali, SJEHG CEO presented on Hospital Operations for 2022 and answered questions from attendees. This was followed by Dr.Salam Iriqat’s case report on Blau Syndrome – an intermediate uveitis case from St John Eye Hospital.
The meeting concluded with a discussion lead by Dr.Charles Mosteller, CStJ, Honorary Secretary of the SOA-USA, on the goals and accomplishments of the SOA-USA as they relate to global vision of the International SOA. Chair David Pyott closed the meeting with an update on the US Priory’s Nurse and Doctor Initiative.

Pro Fide, Pro Utilitate Hominum
David Pyott, CBE OStJ
Chair SOA-USA, and US Priory Hospitaller
Charles Mosteller, M.D. CStJ
Hon. Sec. SOA-USA
Bruce Spivey, MD, MEd, MS
Hon. Treasurer. SOA-USA
Meeting recording below
Previous meetings of SOA-USA at the American Academy of Ophthalmology
SOA-Global Update: 2022
Order Hospitaller
One St John
Partners in Expertise