Inaugural Symposium, St John Eye Hospital in Jerusalem, The Chapel
Tuesday 25 April 2017
Internal speakers
Dr Iyad Habil, Corneal Specialist, St John Eye Hospital — ‘Therapies for dry eyes’.
Dr Ala’a Al Talbishi, Fellow, Ocular genetics, St John Eye Hospital and Hadassah Ein Kerem — ‘Update on diabetic macular oedema’.
Invited speakers
Prof. Michel Michaelides, Professor of Ophthalmology, Medical Retina and Inherited Diseases, Moorfields Eye Hospital, UK — ‘Therapies for Inherited Retinal Disorders’.
Mr David Verity, Consultant Ophthalmic and Adnexal Surgeon, Moorfields Eye Hospital, UK — ‘Adnexal surprises’.
Dr Shirin Hamed-Azzam, Consultant Ophthalmic and Adnexal Surgeon, Emek Medical Centre, Afula, Israel — ‘Primary Acquired Melanosis’.
Prof. Harminder Dua, Chair and Professor of Ophthalmology at University of Nottingham, UK — ‘What’s new in Cornea?’.
Ms Alison Davis, Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon and Paediatric Ophthalmologist, Moorfields Eye Hospital, UK —‘Why can’t my child see?’.
Prof. David Gartry, Consultant Ophthalmic and Refractive Surgeon, Moorfields Eye Hospital, UK — ‘Femtosecond cataract surgery’.
Prof. Chiara Eandi, Ophthalmologist, Università degli Studi di Torino, Italy — OCT-Angiography: a new era.

Some of the international speakers and guests of the St John Ophthalmic Association. (L–R) Mr Tony Tyers, Prof. Michel Michaelides, Prof. Chiara Eandi, Prof. Harminder Dua, Mr Gerry Clare (Chief Medical Officer–Interim, St John Eye Hospital Group), Prof. David Gartry, Ms Alison Davis, Dr Shirin Hamed Azzam, and Mr David Verity (Chair of the SOA-UK, and Trustee of the Board).
St John Eye Hospital
Mohammad Ma’ali, Salam Erekat, Humam Rishmawi, Abu Hantash, Omar Abdel Dayem, Islam Alhashhash, Iyad Habil, Ala’a Al Talbishi, Habes Batta, Daraghmah,Tom Ogilvie-Graham, Bashar Jaber, Walid AbuDayeh, Radwan Junaidi, Yahya Swaiti, Shaddad Naser, Haneen Shalaldeh, Muath Natsheh, Ghassan Madieh, Raja’ al Masri, Ahmad Ma’ali, Nahed Mikki
Koby Pe’er, Samer Khateb, Tareq Jaouni, Prof. Eyal Banin, Claudia Yahalom, Liran Tiosano, Karen Hendler, Hamzah Aweidah, Radgonde Amer, Eleanor Nche, Kathy Bergwerk, David Landau, Itay Chowers, Dror Sharon
Shaare Zedek
David Zadok, Tamar Harel, Israel Strassman, Adi Abulafia, Munther Ashhab, Jaber Wasim, Tamar Levi-Vineberg, Amjab Zeitawi, Ahmad Aryan, Alam Aburmaileh, Aleza Andron
Invited guest speakers
Harminder Dua, Rita Dua, David Gartry, Matthew Gartry, David Verity, Tony Tyers, Denise Magauran, Chiara Eandi, Michel Michaelides Mohammad, Alison Davis, Andrew Davis, Thoraya Michaelides
Shmulik Levinger, Iris Gur-Arie, Sivan Segal Abdullah, Reut Gilo

External speakers at the 2017 congress meet as St John's Muristan clinic in the Old City