My name is Sri Gore. I am a paediatric ophthalmologist and oculoplastic surgeon based in London. I am also the Digital Director for the SOA.
I have a specialist interest in education, particularly seeing it in a much wider perspective. It was a real pleasure to be involved in the organisation of the Neuro-Orbital MasterClass in 2019 for the St John Ophthalmic Association.
My role has been in curating the physical stage and directing the transformation of these talks onto a digital platform so that they can be accessed by global audiences.
Technology in education has never been more important as it is now, so I look forward to working with the team to produce further MasterClasses in this series.

Sri Gore
Digital Director
Bio: Sri Gore BSc FRCOphth is a Consultant Paediatric Ophthalmologist and Oculoplastic Surgeon at Great Ormond Street Hospital, London, as well as a visiting Consultant in Rome, Italy. She undertook fellowships in oculoplastic surgery, paediatric ophthalmology and craniofacial disease at Moorfields, Great Ormond Street and Chelsea and Westminster Hospitals. Her specialist interests include MIAN (microphthalmia and anophthalmia), orbital vascular malformation and craniofacial conditions. She is the SOA’s Digital Director and is also undertaking a Masters in Clinical Education, the focus of which is education delivered from digital platforms.
More videos in this series
About SOA
The St John Ophthalmic Association was established in 2015 and is formed of clinicians, nurses, managers, and IT and healthcare professionals from across the world. The group exists to coordinate the post-graduate ophthalmic activities of the Order of St John, uniting supporters from all professional walks of life in support of The Order of St John.
The SOA not only supports the strategy of the Hospital Board in advancing teaching, training and research across all branches of the St John Eye Hospital Group (SJEHG), but also supports the developing St John Ophthalmic Hospital in Soweto, Johannesburg.