Welcome to The St John MasterClass Series, a new development for the Association, providing state-of-the-art update lectures from experts in the field.
With an initial focus on pathology affecting the orbit and skull base, our inaugural meeting took place at the Cavalry and Guards’ Club in London in November 2019. The event was hosted by Simon Pollock, with the generous support of the David and Molly Pyott Foundation.
An international Faculty of experts discussed modern treatments for complex neuro-orbital diseases, joined by over 80 clinicians from around the world.
This on-line course offers 6 hours of educational material.
A trailer giving an overview of the MasterClass can be found here. Access is via your national medical society or association, who can apply for group access by voluntary donation to the Charity, with proceeds reinvested in the Charity’s educational work. Individual access by donation is also possible. For all enquiries please click here.
Other pages within this section
Session 1: Orbital & intracranial vascular disease (80 min)
Session 2: Skull base disease (90 min)
Session 3: State of the art: Sphenoid wing meningioma (90 min)
Session 4: State of the art: Optic nerve sheath meningioma (60 min)
Session 5: Case based discussions with expert panel, Q & As (30 min)
Welcome to our organizing team and partners. All have generously given their time and expertise, without which the MasterClass could not have happened. Click below to hear some of their reflections on this new collaboration:
In the evening a private Reception and Black Tie Dinner was held in the Chetwode Room, this including a number of St John’s supporters.
This MasterClass, and post-congress digital production, was made possible by numerous medical professionals and St John supporters who freely gave their time and expertise. The David and Molly Pyott Foundation generously sponsored the event, enabling the high-quality digital recordings you will find on this site.
Special thanks go to our Guest of Honour, Dr Michael Dan, for supporting and opening the event, and to our host, Simon Pollock. Likewise, we are grateful to the staff at the Cavalry and Guards Club, whose attention to detail ensured the event was a success.
We are also most grateful to our Prior, Surgeon Rear Admiral Lionel Jarvis, our Eye Hospital Chair, Sir Andrew Cash, and the Hospital Board of Trustees; their ongoing support for the Ophthalmic Association is greatly appreciated.
Some colleagues came from far afield, and it was a great pleasure to welcome partners from Harvard, our SOA Chairs from Singapore and Africa, and colleagues from America, Europe and Russia.
Our Industry Sponsors – Medtronic and Advanced Medical Solutions – were also most welcome, and we thank them for their support.
Finally, we would like to recognise the commitment and dedication of our Manchester colleagues, our Digital Director Miss Sri Gore, and the organising team including Neil Kitchen, Priscilla Mathewson, Michele Khan, Anouk Borg, and Daniele Lorenzano.
This website was skilfully developed by Medisites, whose patience and expertise is acknowledged with grateful thanks.
General comments
- It was a great master class that integrated all aspects of knowledge around what are best options for our patients at international level
- Well organised
- An excellent, succinct, focused meeting with amazing expertise presented.
- Very well organised and hosted
- Superb course, such a great opportunity to meet colleagues from around the UK and internationally.
- It has definitely upped my game for neuro-orbital patient management.
- Superbly organised and a thoroughly great event. Thank you!
- Fantastic venue and inspiring speakers providing a wealth of experience and excellent images/videos, well-targeted to range of levels present in audience.
- As a trainee I was captivated!
- It was a great master class that integrated all aspects of knowledge around what are best options for our patients at international level
- Very good to have so many surgical specialities in the same room!
- Excellent day and I certainly would love to attend future one
- Would like to commend the organisers. Would have liked to have seen presentation on workload of each centre to put practise into perspective.
- Excellent meeting and speakers
- Is there a way to access the recording of the sessions for future reference?
- Excellent venue, course and catering
- Catering was excellent
- Beautiful venue although room was a bit cramped when people moving about due to numbers of people
- Slightly long room so difficult logistically to see well
Final questions:
How likely would you be to attend another neuro-orbital masterclass?
Likely or very likely: 93%
How likely would you be to recommend this as a venue for future meetings?
Likely or very likely: 92%
The proceeds from this and all SOA meetings go directly to support St John’s postgraduate and sight-saving work. We train nurses and doctors in a challenging environment, and your support is greatly appreciated.
Priscilla Mathewson & Anouk Borg
St John Ophthalmic Association Academic Co-ordinators
David Verity, Neil Kitchen & Saj Ataullah
Chairs, the St John Masterclass Series
Sri Gore
Digital Director
Kailun Jiang
Guest Editor

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